Thyroid Symptoms: Understanding the Signs and Seeking Treatment

Thyroid Symptoms: Understanding the Signs and Seeking Treatment

The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland in the front of the neck that makes hormones. It controls our energy levels, metabolism, heart rate, bowel movements, moods, and women’s menstrual cycle.

Early warning signs include unexplained tiredness, constipation, cold intolerance, weight gain, hair loss, and “brain fog.” Blood work is the best way to confirm if you have hypothyroidism.

Weight Gain

A thyroid condition and many aren’t even aware of it. The thyroid is a neck gland that resembles a butterfly and makes hormones that affect everything from metabolism and energy to heart rate, bowels, cholesterol levels, and women’s menstrual cycles.

Unexplained weight gain is often a thyroid symptom. Hyperthyroidism causes your body’s metabolism to hasten, resulting in weight loss, while hypothyroidism slows down your metabolism, leading to weight gain.

Other thyroid disorder symptoms include changes in your menstrual cycle, sore or gritty eyes, an irregular heartbeat, and an enlarged thyroid gland, sometimes called a goiter. Thyroid conditions are more common as you age and can also be a side effect of specific cancer treatments or other illnesses. Moreover, a thyroid Denver treatment might help you through this.

Irregular Menstrual Cycle

Women with thyroid disorders often have irregular periods (amenorrhea). If you have a thyroid disorder that causes the thyroid gland to secrete insufficient amounts of hormone, your periods won’t be regular. Other conditions that can cause abnormal periods include polycystic ovary syndrome and obesity.

A butterfly-shaped gland at the front of your neck called the thyroid produces hormones that regulate how your body uses energy. The hormones produced by the thyroid influence almost every organ and system in your body. A malfunctioning thyroid can lead to problems with your digestive and reproductive systems, weight loss or gain, sleep patterns, feeling cold or hot, or your eyesight.

Dry Skin

Thyroid hormone affects your metabolism; too little can make you feel sluggish. Overactive thyroid glands can lead to hyperthyroidism, while underactive thyroid disease is hypothyroidism.

Both thyroid conditions can cause symptoms such as weight gain, fatigue, cold intolerance, menstrual cycle changes, and memory problems. However, symptoms can also be very similar to other conditions or stages of life, so it’s challenging to know when a thyroid problem is present.

Swelling in the neck is another sign of something wrong with your thyroid. This can occur due to a thyroid nodule, an enlarged lump within the thyroid.

Irregular Sleep Patterns

Your thyroid gland makes hormones that regulate physiological functions like metabolism, heart rate, and sweating. You may feel tired and sluggish if you have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). You may also experience high levels of stress and moodiness.

Thyroid dysfunctions can also interfere with sleep patterns, making getting a good night’s rest difficult. Hyperthyroidism can trigger symptoms like a racing heartbeat, leading to insomnia and anxiety, making it difficult to fall asleep at night.

Getting the right amount of sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you’re experiencing sleep problems, you must see your doctor for a thyroid evaluation.

Cold Intolerance

The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate your body’s metabolism. When your thyroid doesn’t function correctly, it can lead to several symptoms that may seem unrelated or hard to recognize. Cold intolerance is one of these symptoms.

When you don’t have enough thyroid hormone, your body has trouble heating itself. Your skin also becomes dry, and you might feel chilled more easily. This is common in anorexia nervosa and can also occur with chronic conditions like lupus and fibromyalgia.

A doctor can prescribe hormones, such as thyroid replacement, to get your levels back to normal. They can also prescribe medications that relax the blood vessels to improve circulation and prevent cold intolerance.

Irregular Heartbeat

The thyroid regulates essential hormones that affect how well your body performs physically and emotionally. However, if your hormone levels become unbalanced due to thyroid disease or medications, it can cause many symptoms.

High thyroid hormone levels can speed up your heart rate and increase your blood pressure. This can lead to feelings of a pounding heartbeat, which may be exacerbated by exercise or stress.

Hyperthyroidism can also lead to an irregular heartbeat called atrial fibrillation (AF). This rapid heart rate causes strain on the heart, which can lead to heart failure over time. An abnormal heartbeat can also be a sign of a stroke.